Dear Conservatives, GOP, Republicans, Evangelicals and
everyone who IS NOT a liberal, Democrat, Progressive-----
I WANT TO THANK YOU----seriously, honestly, truthfully, for
what you get right and tell you where I disagree with you.
As a religious Jew I THANK YOU for talking about God
religion and the Bible and your faith as guiding your actions in life
I want to thank you for talking about family values
I want to thank you for talking about budget responsibility
and the perils of debt
I want to thank you for supporting our military, and talking
about immigration, gun rights, and American Patriotism, Liberty and Exceptionalism.
BUT and this is a HUGE BUT-----
America, like France, Turkey, England, Israel, and many
other countries has a SEPARATION of church and state written into its
Constitution. Yes we were founded on
Christian Values—BUT as a nation we need to accept ALL religions and NO
religion as well—we are a society of Christians Jews Muslims Hindus etc and
atheists---No one is wrong and no one is right----we believe in God or we don’t
and what we call Him doesn’t matter—we need to live morally either by God or by
We believe in Liberty for all citizens----so no, I DON’T
want laws about abortion or gay marriage in our constitution.
Yes religion teaches values but values are more important
then religion in a lawful society
Yes family values are crucial----BUT family values to me
means advocating Marriage, kids, divorce only in cases of absolute necessity,
personal responsibility in marriage and family NOT keeping gays from marrying
or forcing parents hands in regards to abortion
Yes abortion is bad BUT lets work to keep it rare NOT
illegal ----lets help with birth control, lets teach responsible sex education,
lets help with adoption and foster care and strengthen and inform people of
safe haven laws---where newborns can be left at hospitals, police and fire
stations NO QUESTIONS ASKED---so we can save kids.
Yes I’m against abortions but I am also against rape incest
and having mothers die in childbirth because abortions are “”forbidden””
Lets do this for our families in this order------
>>> abstinence, condoms,
birth control, safe haven, adoption, foster care, abortion
Abortion should be an option, it is legal safe and
rare------and parents should be married and have access to birth control
HEALTH INSURANCE!!!!!! Is vital to keeping mothers, kids and
society safe and is a priority as a nation
Our military is wonderful----lets ACTUALLY support our
troops by only sending them into harms way when in our self defense, adequately
providing for them when in war---give them body armor, armored cars, and
adequate mental health and physical health care before during and after service
to our nation.
Our national debt is an issue to our defense and priorities
of our nation----BUT please acknowledge the truth about our debt----
our debt started in 1776 when we became a nation
our debt is financed by US Treasury bonds----sold as
investments and bought by international investors, American citizens and states
as a way to invest for the future
The debt was very steady during much of the 20th
Century-----except for World War 2, until you get to Reagan’s presidency in the
George W Bush entered office with Clinton’s annual budget
surplus, passed 2 tax cuts, fought 2 wars and passed Medicare part D----all
without paying for it---and GOP was fine with that
While Bush entered office with an annual budget surplus,
Obama entered office with an annual budget deficit----due to Bush’s spending
AND the 2007 recession, where job loss and home foreclosures led to decreased
tax revenues, and job losses and credit freezes required the US govt to spend
more----on unemployment----which congress extended to 99 weeks due to the
recession, and increased aid to the states as states laid off public sector
We cannot rightfully cut benefits to our elderly and poor
through Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security----without first asking those
who benefitted MOST from the economic boom of the last 30 years---those at the
top---to pay more first-----more based on their actual income, including
investment income------
If you are a child, disabled or retired you should be
allowed not to work, if you are a veteran of the armed forces you should get
special treatment in benefits
Otherwise you should work and the More you work the more you
should make and the more you make the more you should pay in taxes, including
investment earnings.
Yes illegal immigration is WRONG----but lets address why
people come here illegally, problems with legal immigration, long lines, hard
requirements to come here legally, border security AND CEOs who hire illegals
because they can pay them less in wages and offer less benefits