Friday, July 12, 2013

Occupy versus Tea Party

Both are upset at Government---but Occupy focuses more on Corporate and Wall St control of government by lobbying and campaign contributions

some differences and some similarities---citizens have lost some power

we both distrust banks and the Federal Reserve

we both argue over taxes and debt but in some key different ways

i like this---two nephews yell at Uncle Sam!!!

we both agree bailouts were wrong, and took to the streets, are not fans of obama

YES Occupy is of the Left---but that doesn't mean we automatically trust Obama--he has made many mistakes

OCCUPY does NOT inherently trust Obama 

we both fight tyranny A GREAT PIECE ON OBAMA AND BUSH AND TYRANNY here

FEDERAL RESERVE is not helping---Tea Party says ""end fed"" ---Occupy says reform

BUT there are very important differences as well

THIS from the Tea Party on Twitter AND MY COMMENTS here

THIS from Occupy Wall St

THIS from Liberals 

OCCUPY offshoot ""Strike Debt"" and their Guide to Understanding Debt 

THIS from Tea Party Congress

THIS from GOP on Tea Party in Congress

Tea Party Congressmen and BANKS 


Has Tea Party gone beyond America??? I know OCCUPY has----

Protesting in Istanbul Turkey, 2013

A GREAT infographic worth going through the details

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