Monday, September 9, 2013

Causes of the American Civil War

Out of Many link here

Don't Know Much about the Civil War by Kenneth Davis link here

Causes of the Civil War Edited by Kenneth M. Stampp (essays) link here

Overall Causes (Listed in Causes of the Civil War)
1. State's Rights and Nationalism
2. Economic Sectionalism
3. Majority Rule and Minority Rights

Now Discussing Fort Sumter---who provoked who??

A crisis similar to the one at Fort Sumter had emerged at Pensacola, Florida, where Confederates threatened another U.S. fortification—Fort Pickens. Lincoln and his new cabinet struggled with the decisions of whether to reinforce the forts, and how. They were also concerned about whether to take actions that might start open hostilities and which side would be perceived as the aggressor as a result. Similar discussions and concerns were occurring in the Confederacy.

In December 1860, the fort was 90 percent complete, but construction stopped—never to be resumed—once South Carolina passed the Ordinance of Secession.

Fort Moultrie was one of three active federal fortifications in Charleston Harbor, each with different challenges.

The unfinished Fort Sumter was the most important of the three—a fact not lost on Anderson. In a December 9, 1860, report from Fort Moultrie, he wrote, “Fort Sumter is a tempting prize, the value of which is well known to the Charlestonians, and once in their possession, with its ammunition and armament and walls uninjured and garrisoned properly, it would set our Navy at defiance, compel me to abandon this work, and give them the perfect command of this harbor.”

Two days later, Maj. Don Carlos Buell delivered verbal instructions from Secretary of War John B. Floyd to Anderson, stating that “an attack on or attempt to take possession of any one of them [the forts] will be regarded as an act of hostility, and you may then put your command into either of them which you may deem most proper to increase its power of resistance.” Prompted by South Carolina’s secession on December 20, the commencement of state patrol boats operating between Forts Sumter and Moultrie, the size of his garrison and the growing threat of hostile action, Anderson transferred his command to Fort Sumter on the night of December 26, 1860.

Anderson was informed that Fort Sumter would be fired upon beginning at 4:30 a.m. on April 12.

The Confederacy had achieved its objective: Fort Sumter was taken.

Don't Know Much about the Civil War pg 162
Lincoln's inaugural address promised that the govt would not start a war and that no attempt would be made to retake federal facilities already held by Confederate Forces (Ft Sumter was not ""already held"")
Lincoln also declared that he would ""hold, occupy and possess"" installations still under federal control in the Confederacy (Ft Sumter WOULD apply, and a resupply would in my opinion SHOULD not have been seen as a provocation)
Beyond that Lincoln made no threats.
The day after his inauguration Major Robert Anderson reported that there were less than 6 weeks of supplies at Fort Sumter.
The Fort was being built as a response to the War of 1812 which showed the inadequacy of America's coastal defenses.
President Buchanan (1857-1861) had no response to previous attacks and seizures by South Carolina after Secession, and also pledged not to reinforce Fort Pickens in Florida for an agreement not to attack it. But he also refused to remove federal troops from Sumter.
When South Carolina seceded there were 3 forts, seen as a symbol of ""foreign authority"" and Major Anderson abandoned the other 2 forts.
South Carolina seized the 2 forts as well as the customhouse, post office, treasury, and an arsenal.
South Carolina fired on The Star of the West an unarmed steamer coming into the harbor with supplies for the fort.
Given the choices of evacuation or resupply or reinforcement, Lincoln chose a middle ground, resupplying the fort but not reinforcing it militarily, and he let South Carolina Governor Pickens know the supplies were coming, and let the Governor know on April 8, the fort was attacked April 12th 4:30am.

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