Dear Major General Buchanan,
You have the ability to reduce Pvt Manning's sentence. Please
do so preferably to time served, Manning spent three years in jail awaiting
trial, or release when eligible for parole.
The Pardon request to President Obama----
Revoke Bradley Manning's conviction. The government has been
embarrassed due to the disclosure of war crimes and has chosen to silence the
messenger, Bradley Manning. President Obama could restore citizen faith in government
by releasing this courageous soldier.
Manning is in prison for leaks exposing war crimes, which
have been almost universally acknowledged as having caused no real harm to the
US, including Defense Secretary Robert Gates while those recorded in the "Collateral
Murder" video have gone uncharged, and Retuers was denied access or
information regarding the killing of its 2 journalists in the video.
What did Wikileaks reveal?? US Govt crimes and lies
Please reduce Manning's sentence, and free an American hero
who courageously served our country by joining the military, reporting abuse to
the press who ignored Manning, then Manning went to Wikileaks, which went to
the New York Times, Guardian and Der Spiegel.
Manning also fought to end Don't Ask, Don't Tell, which was
repealed by President Obama, and Manning is now fighting for transgender
recognition as Bradley Manning becomes Chelsea Manning
Thank you very much, please consider our requests to lessen
Manning's sentence
I am an American Citizen, known online as LibDem
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