Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Mad at Obama happy with Bush

Good Bush things and Bad Obama things

here is a difference between GOP and Dems-- there is plenty to blame obama about--the difference i find is Dems blame obama for real things while he is still in office--ive only heard GOP talk about bush after he was gone--spent too much, not a real conservative etc---tea party was mad at bush too---they just formed after obama came into office---

Ok want some real reasons to be mad at obama??

didnt close Gitmo--also congress's fault but Obama is pres

too close to wall st and goldman sachs--geithner, summers, corzine and others

mortgage assistance has failed several times--many reasons but also obama only helps those who NEVER MISSED A PAYMENT---leaves out many who need help

Whistleblowers--obama has been very aggressive prosecuting govt whistleblowers

Obama didnt really end the Iraq war--troop withdrawal was negotiated under bush--remember when the shoe was thrown at him?? that was SOFA (Status of Forces) agreement--obama tried to keep some troops behind in iraq---BUT WE ARE NOW NEGOTIATING WITH A SOVEREIGN NATION WHO CAN DECIDE WHETHER THEY WANT FOREIGN TROOPS STILL ON THEIR LAND----AND DECIDED NOT TO GIVE LEGAL PROTECTION TO OUR TROOPS ANYMORE

Dodd Frank---not really obama---congress wrote the law----but still allows many things that led to the financial crisis

Stimulus act---GOP criticizes that it was too big----actually it was too small----and large portion were tax cuts to please GOP and get votes-----a good reason economy didnt bounce back as fast

2010 bush tax cuts extension----not a reason to be mad at obama--just a clarification-----obama did not want to extend tax cuts for top 2% as i hear GOP say now ""obama didnt wanna raise taxes in a bad economy""-----no--he didnt wanna raise taxes on the middle class----still doesnt----payroll tax cuts were what he wanted----had to extend top 2% or GOP wouldve voted no

so these are some real reasons to be upset with obama-----not vacations, obama phone (which was actually started under REAGAN and is paid for), being a muslim or socialist or fascist or govt takeover of healthcare etc etc etc etc etc
on the other side here are some reasons to be happy with bush's record

afghan war from 2001-2003

it was necessary response to 9/11, but iraq war distracted from goal of stabilizing afghanistan----i would have much preferred either not going into iraq----more on that later-----OR stabilizing afghanistan another year or two and THEN showing success in afghanistan saying OK now we need to focus on other dangerous govts in the region who pose a threat to us-----but lying about WMD and 9/11 and al qaeda link was bad and stupid-----even though getting rid of saddam was not a bad thing

PEPFAR----a good anti AIDS program in Africa started by bush

changing rumsfeld for bob gates, and general patreaus as well were good choices by bush

no pardons on leaving office---called it too political and criticized the process-----although commutted libby's sentence in valerie plame case

tried to reform immigration policy---GOP congress opposed it

refused to criticize obama after bush left office-----not the right thing to do he said

TARP was necessary during the financial crisis----couldve put some strings attached to the money-----but then again so could have obama

just a few good things about bush

till next time :)

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