Friday, February 22, 2013

Thank you GOP!! BUT…..

Dear Conservatives, GOP, Republicans, Evangelicals and everyone who IS NOT a liberal, Democrat, Progressive-----

I WANT TO THANK YOU----seriously, honestly, truthfully, for what you get right and tell you where I disagree with you.

As a religious Jew I THANK YOU for talking about God religion and the Bible and your faith as guiding your actions in life

I want to thank you for talking about family values

I want to thank you for talking about budget responsibility and the perils of debt

I want to thank you for supporting our military, and talking about immigration, gun rights, and American Patriotism, Liberty and Exceptionalism.

BUT and this is a HUGE BUT-----

America, like France, Turkey, England, Israel, and many other countries has a SEPARATION of church and state written into its Constitution.  Yes we were founded on Christian Values—BUT as a nation we need to accept ALL religions and NO religion as well—we are a society of Christians Jews Muslims Hindus etc and atheists---No one is wrong and no one is right----we believe in God or we don’t and what we call Him doesn’t matter—we need to live morally either by God or by nature

We believe in Liberty for all citizens----so no, I DON’T want laws about abortion or gay marriage in our constitution.

Yes religion teaches values but values are more important then religion in a lawful society

Yes family values are crucial----BUT family values to me means advocating Marriage, kids, divorce only in cases of absolute necessity, personal responsibility in marriage and family NOT keeping gays from marrying or forcing parents hands in regards to abortion

Yes abortion is bad BUT lets work to keep it rare NOT illegal ----lets help with birth control, lets teach responsible sex education, lets help with adoption and foster care and strengthen and inform people of safe haven laws---where newborns can be left at hospitals, police and fire stations NO QUESTIONS ASKED---so we can save kids.

Yes I’m against abortions but I am also against rape incest and having mothers die in childbirth because abortions are “”forbidden””

Lets do this for our families in this order------ >>>    abstinence, condoms, birth control, safe haven, adoption, foster care, abortion

Abortion should be an option, it is legal safe and rare------and parents should be married and have access to birth control

HEALTH INSURANCE!!!!!! Is vital to keeping mothers, kids and society safe and is a priority as a nation

Our military is wonderful----lets ACTUALLY support our troops by only sending them into harms way when in our self defense, adequately providing for them when in war---give them body armor, armored cars, and adequate mental health and physical health care before during and after service to our nation.

Our national debt is an issue to our defense and priorities of our nation----BUT please acknowledge the truth about our debt----

our debt started in 1776 when we became a nation

our debt is financed by US Treasury bonds----sold as investments and bought by international investors, American citizens and states as a way to invest for the future

The debt was very steady during much of the 20th Century-----except for World War 2, until you get to Reagan’s presidency in the 1980s

George W Bush entered office with Clinton’s annual budget surplus, passed 2 tax cuts, fought 2 wars and passed Medicare part D----all without paying for it---and GOP was fine with that

While Bush entered office with an annual budget surplus, Obama entered office with an annual budget deficit----due to Bush’s spending AND the 2007 recession, where job loss and home foreclosures led to decreased tax revenues, and job losses and credit freezes required the US govt to spend more----on unemployment----which congress extended to 99 weeks due to the recession, and increased aid to the states as states laid off public sector workers

We cannot rightfully cut benefits to our elderly and poor through Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security----without first asking those who benefitted MOST from the economic boom of the last 30 years---those at the top---to pay more first-----more based on their actual income, including investment income------

If you are a child, disabled or retired you should be allowed not to work, if you are a veteran of the armed forces you should get special treatment in benefits

Otherwise you should work and the More you work the more you should make and the more you make the more you should pay in taxes, including investment earnings.

Yes illegal immigration is WRONG----but lets address why people come here illegally, problems with legal immigration, long lines, hard requirements to come here legally, border security AND CEOs who hire illegals because they can pay them less in wages and offer less benefits

Thursday, February 21, 2013

My response to Emily Gets Her Gun

I saw today’s Washington Journal (Thursday, February 21, 2013)

I am not anti gun but am anti gun violence and mass murder

First thing---as you said---LOCK YOUR DOOR!!! Ok good ----also I recommend an alarm for your doors and windows----also security cameras are good as well---OK good

Next is DON’T FOLLOW CRIMINALS-----even if you are armed in a future event

Next thing is don’t assume they were drug users--but alright for now

ALSO VERY IMPORTANT-----THEY WALKED OUT OF YOUR HOME-----if you don’t keep your gun ON YOU at all times or locked when not in use it is more likely that it will be used AGAINST YOU if someone burglarizes your home

My house was broken into TWICE both times no one was home----once for a whole week and once for the whole day---if I had a gun at home and it wasn’t locked up where would it be now???

Guns stolen from homes--from Christian Science Monitor

Ok so you have a gun—great!!

Train yourself in using it

---and keep it safe at home---

Also as a gun owner for protection I would love if you---and other gun owners who use it for protection---carry everywhere or just at home----

Firearms Kept for Home Security

The decision to maintain a firearm in the home for self-protection is a serious, personal matter. Unlike passive safety devices, such as alarm systems, firearms used for home protection require significantly more involvement by the owner. Any added safety benefit that may be derived from a firearm depends in large measure on the owner's commitment to appropriate training and a clear understanding of safe handling and storage rules. Are your security concerns realistic and consistent with local crime rates? Do other adults in your household support the decision to maintain a gun in the house? If they will have access to the firearm, will they join you in a firearms training and safety program? What precautions will be practiced to safeguard children? Do risk factors such as drug and alcohol abuse exist within your household? In addition, issues such as individual temperament, reaction to emergency situations, and specific family circumstances should also enter in the decision.
If you must have quick access to a loaded firearm in your home, you need to take special safety measures. Keeping a gun to defend your family makes no sense if that same gun puts your family members or visitors to your home at risk. Many home firearms accidents occur when unauthorized individuals, often visitors, discover loaded firearms that were carelessly left out in the open.
If you choose to keep a firearm for home security, your objective should be to create a situation in which the firearm is readily available to you, yet inaccessible or inoperative to others. Special lockable cases that can be quickly opened only by authorized individuals are options to consider.
You must exercise full control and supervision over a loaded gun at all times. This means the gun must be unloaded and placed in secure storage whenever you leave the gun in your home or elsewhere. Secure ammunition separately.
Your most important responsibility is ensuring that unsupervised children cannot encounter loaded firearms. The precautions you take must be completely effective. Anything less invites tragedy and is a serious violation of your responsibility as a gun owner.

My Response to Doc Washburn

I listened to hour 1 of the 2/18/13 show where you discuss Oscar Pistorius---the Olympic runner (BladeRunner) who shot his girlfriend, then discuss briefly Mindy McCreedy’s suicide, then discuss the NRA document about Obama and gun control and then you interview Steve Crowder

Here are a few of my general thoughts listening to the show

You appear to be a show on a CBS affiliate based on the news brief

You are a talk show host, so you give your opinions, and off the bat I heard a lot of sarcasm, and I also assume based on some things you said that you are Christian

You seemed upset about gun violence, you were upset that Mindy McCreedy shot herself and were upset that Oscar Pistorius’ girlfriend was shot dead (you said there is no reversing that---and yes I agree) but I find you lacking in knowledge of history about South Africa, or empathy in dealing with the cases

You say you want to whack Pistorius---do you mean hit or kill?? Because even the victim Reva Steenkamp’s parents said he must be feeling terrible----he thought he was protecting himself and his girlfriend from an intruder

As with Mindy McCreedy as a man neither of us knows what its like to be a mother---and she just lost custody of her kids---and yes while a country music star seems more famous in the last decade for troubles then song hits

Also she is the 5th person who was on Dr Drew Pinsky’s show “”Celebrity Rehab”” to commit suicide---so either he’s a really bad doctor or his patients just had too much or a reality show isn’t the best medicine

Yes I agree with you on this----gun violence and suicide is permanent, and we as a society should do what we can to deal with mental illness, depression and gun violence.

Suicide by guns (From Christian Science Monitor)

Then you have a segment (after gun violence and how upset that makes you) about NRA has its hands on a leaked document from Obama about gun control, confiscation etc----so I see a HUGE disparity between the first part where you’re rightly upset about gun violence, but then also upset about the cure because of what NRA says-----I’m skeptical of what NRA says without further proof

Then you interview Steven Crowder on marijuana, his videos and the fight//punch at the union rally in Michigan

Here is a fact check on Crowder----yes he was punched by a union member----but only AFTER someone pushed Crowder into the union member----and YES I agree no matter what the reason punching back is not a justifiable response---the union member SHOULD be arrested for assault----BUT the whole picture is necessary----was Crowder looking for a fight to claim union members are “”thugs???””

The truth about Steve Crowder being punched

so here is a basic piece of my thoughts from the show

as for my tastes I much prefer NPR for news and views---I would Highly Recommend 
On Point with Tom Ashbrook, 
Fresh Air with Terry Gross, 
This American Life with Ira Glass
or if you want some science, Radiolab---
all are available as podcasts

Friday, February 15, 2013

Books on the Middle East

Some good books for information on the Middle East

A History of the Modern Middle East by William L Cleveland (2004)

A good big book that covers the major events in the Middle East--from the rise of Islam in the 600's to the 20th Century reforms and revolutions

A Portrait of Egypt (A Journey through the world of militant Islam) by Mary Anne Weaver (2000)

A history of the rise of Militant Islam and its roots in Egypt

From Beirut to Jerusalem by Thomas Friedman (1989)

While covering the Civil War in Lebanon--- (about 1975-1982) Friedman describes wonderully the fabric of the Middle East

What Terrorists Want by Louise Richardson (2007)

covers goals and tactics of terrorists from Ireland to Al Qaeda---and juxtaposes President Bush's claims that 9/11 happened because ""they hate us for our freedoms"" with bin Laden quotes about ""getting foreign troops out of Muslim Lands""

Thursday, February 14, 2013


When looking at today’s news there are lessons from the past---about our actions and their consequences----about what to do about the Arab Spring, Syria, Libya, Benghazi, and now Mali, Algeria and even Iran and North Korea

Some examples from the past---Iran Iraq Afghanistan and Libya

1979 lots of things happened—here are a few major ones

1979 Iran--- the US--backed Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi is ousted in protests by supporters of the religious leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.

The Shah was put in charge of Iran by military and government backing from the US UK and Russia from 1941 to 1979---he was even reinstated by US after a democratic election puts Mohammad Mossadegh into power—he wanted to nationalize oil profits and US wouldn’t have that.

The 1979 Iranian Revolution brought the religious and population minority Shi’ia Islamists into power—creating an imbalance to the rest of the Muslim World (Iranians are not Arab but are ethnically European)

In 1979 in Iraq Saddam Hussein took over power—he was a leader in the Baath Party since 1968—but in 1979 took over in a coup

As a response to the Iranian Revolution and to keep his own Shi’ia population in check—Saddam started a war with Iran that lasted from 1980 to 1988----The US backed Saddam in his efforts against our new enemy, the new government in Iran---and Donald Rumsfeld  went to sell Saddam chemical weapons which he later used on his own population after the 1990 Gulf War.
SUMMARY SO FAR  In 1979 Iran has a revolution, Saddam comes to power in Iraq and they start a war, The US backs Iraq against our old friend Iran, who since the Revolution has become our enemy to this day.

The Iraq--Iran War left Sadddam Hussein in debt—so he invaded oil rich Kuwait—trying to annex it as the 19th province of Iraq---as a way to get oil profits to pay his debts----BUT this action made IRAQ as well as IRAN our enemies---interesting huh???

But wait there’s MORE!!!!!!

In 1979 our OTHER enemy, the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan—setting up the now famous war between the Islamic fundamentalists, the Mujahadeen, Pakistan and the US to oust the Soviets armed the rebels, created the Taliban, empowered bin Laden, etc which most of us have learned since 9/11

Bin Laden emerged from the Soviet experience and wanted to offer his services of military to Saudi Arabia, his homeland, in defense of Iraq in the 1990 war where Saddam invaded Kuwait to pay off his debts from the Iraq Iran War---instead Saudi Arabia turns to the US, shunning bin Laden, pissing him off and setting bin laden towards declaring war on America, 9/11 etc

ANOTHER SUMMARY So we respond to 1979 Iran revolution, Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and Iran Iraq war and 20 years later they converge in 9/11 (And NO I am NOT saying 9/11 was our fault---whatever bin Laden’s grievances were---the MINUTE he kills civilians ON PURPOSE to get his points across he IS A TERRORIST and is UNJUSTIFIED in his actions)

Our decision to help Libya in the Arab Spring helped arm terrorists now in Mali and Algeria, and while Bush still thinks Iraq war was a good decision, Iran since 2005 has been a growing nuclear threat because the war that ousted Saddam also made Iran stronger in the region, because it removed Iran’s enemy and put in place the friendly Shi’ia government that looks to Iran as a friend not an enemy. (Saddam led a Sunni minority population in Iraq, which has a Shi’ia majority based on population)

My point is be careful with Syria, Libya, Iran today and other conflicts in the world, we cannot see into the future, but its important to look to the past to make smartest decisions we can.

The Stupidest Argument Ever Made

This from a gun dealer in NY--- > > > “If a citizen, you know, can’t own it, I don’t understand the reasoning why the law enforcement community should have it.”

The secret to gun dealers and makers is that they sell to police and military at a discount, and then advertise these guns to civilians, full price, as “”the ones the cops and military have””   see this interview   

If a citizen wants to own the guns that police get, OR get the chance to arrest people, go on stakeouts, drive police cars (or open the door from the inside)


There is a reason cops get some special privileges that normal citizens don’t get----they deal with criminals every day as a job description.

Cops can carry guns into banks---even though ordinary people cannot
Cops can arrest with probable cause---normal citizens can arrest ONLY IF THEY SEE THE CRIME BEING COMMITTED----a citizens arrest

COPS should get special access to guns and ammo because they have a different job description----same as soldiers should get special access---that normal citizens who are hunting, target practice, or self defense should not be able to get

There is an argument that criminals can get guns and they don’t care about laws----BUT they can only get what is legally available---or privately sold through loopholes which we should close.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

reporting on guns

Best reporting on Guns ---my list updated February 2, 2013

A list of the best articles, reports, pictures etc not in any particular order

News on Recent shootings

fact checking gun statements

a conservative judge in favor of assault weapons ban

Op-Ed from Mark Kelly and Gabrielle Giffords on gun control and their new PAC

The Truth about Fast and Furious

Fast and Furious Follow-Up article

Fast and Furious radio interview

Fast and Furious radio interview part 2

Guns in Israel

Israel rejects NRA claims

more guns less rules more deaths

violent death is gun death

your brain during a shootout—its not like tv

parent group that does school security is unarmed

NRA sues over bulk gun sales

liberal gun owner

liberal gun owner

who is confiscating guns??

liberal gun owner

Assault weapons ban graph—violence went down

how shooters get their guns

OCCUPY movement proves nonviolence works better against govt

laws against gun research

best reporting on guns from ProPubica

Reducing Gun Violence study

Reagan writes for the Brady Bill

Why Switzerland is not an example for US gun laws

Why Switzerland is not an example for US gun laws part 2

Reagan ""no AK47""  picture

NRA vs military on guns and suicides

NRA vs military on guns and suicides

Militias and the US Constitution—a history of intent

Background checks work

Border Patrol Memorial Page (Brian Terry and Fast and Furious)

Gun control facts

Clinton tax policy

from wikipedia

Fiscal Policy

Clinton signed the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 into law. This act created a 36 percent to 39.6 income tax for high-income individuals in the top 1.2% of wage earners. Businesses were given an income tax rate of 35%. The cap was repealed on Medicare. The taxes were raised 4.3 cents per gallon on transportation fuels and the taxable portion of Social Security benefits were increased. The Taxpayer Relief Act (1997) reduced some federal taxes. Due to certain phase-in rules, the rate 28% was lowered to 20% in the top capital gains. The bracket that was 15% fell to 10%. 

In 1980, a tax credit was put into place based on the number of individuals under the age of 17 in a household. In 1998, it was $400 per child. In 1999, it was raised to $500. High-income families had this Act phased out. 

((  from   Starting in 1998, a $400 tax credit for each child under age 17 was introduced, which was increased to $500 in 1999. This credit was phased out for high income families.))

This Act took out from taxation profits on the sale of a house of up to $500,000 for individuals who are married, and $250,000 for single individuals. Educational savings and retirement funds were given tax relief. Some of the expiring tax provisions were extended for selected businesses. Since 1998, an exemption could be taken out for those family farms and small businesses that qualified for it. In 1999, the correction of inflation on the $10,000 annual gift tax exclusion was accomplished. By the year 2006, the $600,000 estate tax exemption had risen to $1 million dollars. 

The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 
(Pub.L. 105–34H.R. 2014, 111 Stat. 787, enacted August 5, 1997) reduced several federal taxes in the United States.
Subject to certain phase-in rules, the top capital gains rate fell from 28% to 20%. The 15% bracket was lowered to 10%.
Starting in 1998, a $400 tax credit for each child under age 17 was introduced, which was increased to $500 in 1999. This credit was phased out for high income families.
The act exempted from taxation the profits on the sale of a personal residence of up to $500,000 for married couples filing jointly and $250,000 for singles. This is for residences that were lived in for at least two years over the last five.[1]
The $600,000 estate tax exemption was to increase gradually to $1 million by the year 2006.
Family farms and small businesses could qualify for an exemption of $1.3 million, effective 1998. Starting in 1999, the $10,000 annual gift tax exclusion was to be corrected for inflation.
The act also provided tax exemptions for retirement accounts as well as education savings in the Hope Scholarship Credit andLifetime Learning Credits. Some expiring business tax provisions were extended.

clinton tax cut question

was the 1997 tax cut a capital gains tax cut only?? thats misleading to call it the 1997 tax cuts -----its like saying 77% got a tax hike in the recent fiscal deal without mentioning that its the 2% Social Security Payroll tax--which was cut in 2010 and now expired---  

""Republicans seldom talk about the balanced budgets of fiscal years 1998 through 2001, because they happened on Bill Clinton’s watch. They either pretend they didn’t happen, imply they occurred through some sort of “immaculate conception” unconnected to Clinton’s policies or  try to claim that the 1997 cut in the capital gains tax led to an outpouring of revenue that balanced the budget.""

Friday, February 1, 2013

GOP on the economy

How to fight GOP on the economy with their own words

ask them if we can tax the rich into a good economy----->> answer is no, because there are too few rich people

ask them if they agree the economy is based on consumer spending and confidence------>>answer is yes

ask them about supply and demand--businesses arent hiring because of many reasons but one they cite is low demand

ask them if there are more people in the middle class then the rich---->>answer is yes

ask them if debt is bad------>>answer is yes

(debt is bad because cant spend more then you make--so why are they against minimum wage??)

then ask them what they think about a strong middle class spending their income and growing the economy--->>then ask why they dont believe the questions above

Some of my thoughts on gun ownership

I am not anti gun
I am anti gun violence—especially mass murders

I believe in ammo capacity limits, background checks, permits that are reregistered annually with mandatory safety training, (armed guards in NYS need 47 hours annual training) a national registry, microstamping, safety techniques, locks and safes for guns, marksmanship training and self defense training with emphasis on rules of engagement

I am against Stand Your Ground—its ridiculous to give such broad legality to self defense---make shooters stand their ground ON THEIR REASONS and not give them an off the hook legality---shooters need to know that self defense ONLY applies to immediate threat of life—NOT when people turn or stop the attack—make every shooter face police evidence and a trial like everyone else does

The law in NYS says 5 reasons to use deadly force—rape sodomy murder attempted murder and robbery—Know the law and follow it—self defense is universal but needs to be applied legally and knowledgably—its not a reason to kill people and say self defense later----same with guns--

I am anti NRA because they have politicized the gun issue so that any regulation to stop gun violence is skewed as an attempt to seize all guns or abolish the 2nd Amendment

Microstamping for example should be a no brainer—it will only matter if you are a criminal or your gun was stolen—why is the NRA against this??
Same with the NRA’s hatred of law enforcement agencies like ATF and other gun research such as CDC—(see Tiahrt amendment)— because gun research would say that guns are dangerous—when guns are present they are used in crimes, violence and suicide AND self defense

Fast and Furious was an issue of LEGAL straw purchase sales in Arizona—ATF was building a case but its hard to build a case when purchases are legal because NRA wants no restrictions on gun sales—like a limit of 2 per month etc

Fast and Furious

I love the Constitution and believe in the Bill of Rights—they protect our God Given Inalienable Rights from abuses brought on by other people OR our government

But the 2nd Amendment WAS NOT an individual right to bear arms—it was to set up a militia—intended by the Founders to be a national trained regulated citizen army in place of a standing army to defend—as Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution says—against insurrection and invasion when called upon by Congress.

Militia and the Constitution