Friday, May 31, 2013

GOP Admissions and MY Comments

GOP Admissions and MY Comments

SO WHAT???     THIS---->>

Its not your criticism of Obama that makes you racist----its your criticism regardless of the facts and your questioning of his background.

Its not your right to own guns that makes you a threat----its your belief that any regulations of that right is a plot to take guns away that makes you a threat.

I LOVE YOUR SUPPORT OF THE CONSTITUTION---but in your “”war on terror”” you deny rights to American citizens and people captured in war.
Also its your attack on the Post Office, taxes, misinterpretation of the militia (Article 1 section 8) and abuses of 1st amendment, 4th amendment, 5th amendment, 6th amendment, 9th amendment, 14th amendment section 4, 15th amendment, etc etc etc 

You’re a national security threat when you advocate violent overthrow of the government

Again you’re not a traitor for exposing corruption----but for advocating violent overthrow of the government.

You’re a conspiracy theorist for NOT presenting documented facts, ignoring documented facts and DOCTORING facts in search of a scandal.

You’re anti American for going against the Constitution and going against the Duly Elected Government of the United States (TWICE)

You’re a war monger for advocating military intervention in every situation----even when not attacked----Iraq, Iran, Syria, etc. IF you REALLY supported the troops you would choose war WISELY and fight for the troops when they came home, their HOMES are foreclosed on, they can't get JOBS and can't afford HEALTHCARE, and are committing SUICIDE more then getting killed in combat.

You’re a greedy capitalist because you see any regulation of wall st and the economy as “”socialism or communism”” and value “”free markets”” but forget about MARKET FAILURES---you’re only answer is “”tax cuts for the rich”” and cutting safety net for the poor.

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