Saturday, August 24, 2013

Encryption Guides

Since Edward Snowden exposed NSA spying with documented proof of its ""collect everything"" mentality---people have been trying to fight back against collection of emails, phone calls and web browsing----below are some guides how to accomplish different forms of encryption, data security and internet security.

Privacy matters and is an important part of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights
The 1st Amendment protects free speech----and the 4th Amendment protects us against unreasonable search and seizure, and requires law enforcement and the government to get warrants from courts, proving they have probable cause to make the search, and it is not unreasonable, and limited---it cannot legally collect everything just in case a crime happens.

""When an Agent Knocks"" by Center for Constitutional Rights When Agent Knocks

a very quick guide to HTTPS, PGP and OTR is here link here

Add on for Browsers            First Step VERY SIMPLE Basic Step everyone should do NOW!!!
                                              Install HTTPS Everywhere (for Google Chrome or Mozilla                                                                           Firefox)

Search Engines                    Also GREAT NEWS is that Google has started to ENCRYPT                                                                     searches article here

                                             Encrypted Google Search

                                             Startpage search and proxy

                                              How StartPage protects Privacy

                                             Also IxQuick search and proxy

IP protection services       UltraSurf

                                           How to use UltraSurf  UltraSurf Video Tutorial

                                           Hide My Ass Proxy service

PASSWORD security 
Passwords are not strong enough---they are too short and most people use things easy to guess
use a Pass PHRASE instead of a pass WORD

Automatic pass phrase generator

Or you can use the Diceware word list to create a random grouping of words

you will need a die, or 2 or 3 dice-----roll the dice and write the numbers in groups of 5

so for example you roll     12345  54321   78563  23786 84632

then look up the words that correspond to the numbers you rolled---from 11111 to 66666

Longer Guides                  Electronic Frontier Foundation  here

                                           Freedom of the Press Foundation  here

                                           Black Hat Guide

                                           some more tools here  link here
                                           And Here Guide to Tech Tools

                                           Internet Security expert Bruce Shneir's advice link here

EFF 2013 Good tech companies  link here

More tools available here  Link here for more links

EMAIL security 
Make sure only the person you SENT email to can read the email you sent them

5 apps to help you make email encryption easy link here

Encrypted Email using Mozilla Thunderbird and Enigmail add on
Mozilla Thunderbird Download

Enigmail Website

How to Use Thunderbird to Encrypt email

Email Privacy using PGP

For Windows

TOR (The Onion Router)    NSA HATES TOR----because IT WORKS!!!

NSA document about TOR

NSA tries to attack TOR

History of TOR 
State Deptartment helped develop TOR article here
A far-flung group of geeks, supported by the U.S. State Department, has built a tool for anonymous communication that's so secure that even the world's most sophisticated electronic spies haven't figured out how to crack it. That's the takeaway from the latest revelations from National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden. The NSA has used aggressive computer attack techniques to monitor people using the Tor network, a service that's funded by the U.S. government and allows users to remain anonymous when they're connected to the Internet. But the agency has not been able to undermine the core of the Tor system, which was developed by the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory in 2002.

We see the NSA, an agency of the Defense Department, taking actions that are directly at odds with those of the State Department, which for the past few years has spent millions of dollars to develop Tor and other technologies and then distribute them overseas to political dissidents and democracy activists.

TOR the Anonymous web browser 
 link here  Download the Bundle here    see video here TOR install video

How to install Tor correctly Link here

Here is how to do so:
1. Click on “Download TOR”, or “Download”.
2. You will see text that says, “The Tor Browser Bundle contains everything you need … Just extract it and run. Learn more >> LINK HERE

3. Click on this “Learn more” link. for the “Tor Browser Bundle”

6. Run this file.
7. You will be prompted to extract this to a directory. By default, it will be set to C:UsersYouDownloads This is perfectly ok. You can also choose a different directory if you wish.
8. Click “Extract”
That’s it. TOR Browser is NOW installed. Time to test it out!

=== 2 : Using and Testing Tor Browser for the first time ===

Now, inside the “Downloads” folder, double click on the folder called “Tor Browser”.
Lastly, double click on the application: “Start Tor Browser”
When you do, you will see the Vidalia Control Panel appear, and you will observe as you connect to the TOR network.
When this is complete, your web browser will open up and will automatically connect to the web address:
This is to confirm that you are in fact using TOR. If you have followed this guide correctly, then you will see the following green text, or something similar:
“Congratulations. Your browser is configured to use Tor.”
Now you can use this web browser the same as any other. You can go to any website you wish, and neither your ISP or anyone else will be able to see where you are going, or what you are doing.

Disk Encryption Options for hiding files on your computer securely 
EFF Guide


How to create, test and use True Crypt
Section 4 of this guide

TAILS (The Amnesiac Live System) an anonymous operating system that runs on Linux
I found it hard to install and set up at first---but this helped
How to install TAILS 

Very easy to download, write image to DVD using a copying program, then put in DVD and start computer

Chat and Instant Messages    Off the Record Chat with PIDGIN

Pidgin IM Chat

Pidgin OTR link

Pidgin Encryption download here

Press and Internet Freedom Organizations

I found this easy website to encrypt and decrypt emails

it works well

First you generate a key to encrypt emails

just remember to copy and paste ENTIRE KEY to use it

THIS is PUBLIC KEY as an example of showing the entire key

If you wish to contact us using PGP-encrypted messages, feel free to use our public PGP key iGolder.asc.  If you include your public PGP key, we will provide you an encrypted reply.

Version: PGP Desktop 10.0.0


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