Saturday, February 2, 2013

reporting on guns

Best reporting on Guns ---my list updated February 2, 2013

A list of the best articles, reports, pictures etc not in any particular order

News on Recent shootings

fact checking gun statements

a conservative judge in favor of assault weapons ban

Op-Ed from Mark Kelly and Gabrielle Giffords on gun control and their new PAC

The Truth about Fast and Furious

Fast and Furious Follow-Up article

Fast and Furious radio interview

Fast and Furious radio interview part 2

Guns in Israel

Israel rejects NRA claims

more guns less rules more deaths

violent death is gun death

your brain during a shootout—its not like tv

parent group that does school security is unarmed

NRA sues over bulk gun sales

liberal gun owner

liberal gun owner

who is confiscating guns??

liberal gun owner

Assault weapons ban graph—violence went down

how shooters get their guns

OCCUPY movement proves nonviolence works better against govt

laws against gun research

best reporting on guns from ProPubica

Reducing Gun Violence study

Reagan writes for the Brady Bill

Why Switzerland is not an example for US gun laws

Why Switzerland is not an example for US gun laws part 2

Reagan ""no AK47""  picture

NRA vs military on guns and suicides

NRA vs military on guns and suicides

Militias and the US Constitution—a history of intent

Background checks work

Border Patrol Memorial Page (Brian Terry and Fast and Furious)

Gun control facts

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