Thursday, February 14, 2013


When looking at today’s news there are lessons from the past---about our actions and their consequences----about what to do about the Arab Spring, Syria, Libya, Benghazi, and now Mali, Algeria and even Iran and North Korea

Some examples from the past---Iran Iraq Afghanistan and Libya

1979 lots of things happened—here are a few major ones

1979 Iran--- the US--backed Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi is ousted in protests by supporters of the religious leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.

The Shah was put in charge of Iran by military and government backing from the US UK and Russia from 1941 to 1979---he was even reinstated by US after a democratic election puts Mohammad Mossadegh into power—he wanted to nationalize oil profits and US wouldn’t have that.

The 1979 Iranian Revolution brought the religious and population minority Shi’ia Islamists into power—creating an imbalance to the rest of the Muslim World (Iranians are not Arab but are ethnically European)

In 1979 in Iraq Saddam Hussein took over power—he was a leader in the Baath Party since 1968—but in 1979 took over in a coup

As a response to the Iranian Revolution and to keep his own Shi’ia population in check—Saddam started a war with Iran that lasted from 1980 to 1988----The US backed Saddam in his efforts against our new enemy, the new government in Iran---and Donald Rumsfeld  went to sell Saddam chemical weapons which he later used on his own population after the 1990 Gulf War.
SUMMARY SO FAR  In 1979 Iran has a revolution, Saddam comes to power in Iraq and they start a war, The US backs Iraq against our old friend Iran, who since the Revolution has become our enemy to this day.

The Iraq--Iran War left Sadddam Hussein in debt—so he invaded oil rich Kuwait—trying to annex it as the 19th province of Iraq---as a way to get oil profits to pay his debts----BUT this action made IRAQ as well as IRAN our enemies---interesting huh???

But wait there’s MORE!!!!!!

In 1979 our OTHER enemy, the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan—setting up the now famous war between the Islamic fundamentalists, the Mujahadeen, Pakistan and the US to oust the Soviets armed the rebels, created the Taliban, empowered bin Laden, etc which most of us have learned since 9/11

Bin Laden emerged from the Soviet experience and wanted to offer his services of military to Saudi Arabia, his homeland, in defense of Iraq in the 1990 war where Saddam invaded Kuwait to pay off his debts from the Iraq Iran War---instead Saudi Arabia turns to the US, shunning bin Laden, pissing him off and setting bin laden towards declaring war on America, 9/11 etc

ANOTHER SUMMARY So we respond to 1979 Iran revolution, Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and Iran Iraq war and 20 years later they converge in 9/11 (And NO I am NOT saying 9/11 was our fault---whatever bin Laden’s grievances were---the MINUTE he kills civilians ON PURPOSE to get his points across he IS A TERRORIST and is UNJUSTIFIED in his actions)

Our decision to help Libya in the Arab Spring helped arm terrorists now in Mali and Algeria, and while Bush still thinks Iraq war was a good decision, Iran since 2005 has been a growing nuclear threat because the war that ousted Saddam also made Iran stronger in the region, because it removed Iran’s enemy and put in place the friendly Shi’ia government that looks to Iran as a friend not an enemy. (Saddam led a Sunni minority population in Iraq, which has a Shi’ia majority based on population)

My point is be careful with Syria, Libya, Iran today and other conflicts in the world, we cannot see into the future, but its important to look to the past to make smartest decisions we can.


  1. You don't have a join button. Is there a way to join. You've touched on some good points that should make you think... which is your final advice!

  2. thanks just noticed the comment!! gotta check these more often

  3. ok i added some gadgets---Google+ and search button----but i never do Google+....
